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19 Crimes Pinot Noir 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. Medium bodied with soft, round tannins, cherry and strawberry fruit sweetness which complements spice oak undertones.

Camshorn Pinot Noir 750ml

Camshorn Waipara Pinot Noir is a wine that certainly doesn't pull the wool over your eyes - an outstanding varietal and regional expression produced with exceptional quality.

Church Road Grand Reserve Pinot Noir 750ml

With grapes from the world's leading pinot noir region making a guest appearance, Church Road's award winning winemaker, Chris Scott, has hand crafted an exceptional wine that combines elegance and undeniable presence.

Church Road McDonald Series Pinot Noir 750ml

The McDonald Series wines are an expression of both their fruit and the vision of their namesake winemaker. Beautifully fragrant, this wine is built around a core of bright red and black fruit, overlaid with beautiful floral, spice and fresh thyme notes, with subtle oak in support. On the palate the wine is lithe, fresh and juicy with a gentle finish. An elegant yet energetic Pinot Noir.

Craggy Range Te Muna Pinot Noir 750ml

Handpicked from the higher terrace of the vineyard and fermented with indigenous yeast producing a wine with a silky layered texture providing interest and complexity. Burgundy in colour with a light crimson hue. Dried lavender and garigue, distinctly Te Muna perfume on the nose. An elegant palate with a warm core of brambled wild berries, porcini mushroom and red cherry in balance with the silk-laden tannins, which perfectly frame the wine. It speaks volumes to an incredible site.

Devil's Staircase by Rockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Devil's Staircase takes the willing down into the realm of decadence and bacchanalian delights. Here everything is pleasure, spiced up with a dash of naughtiness. The unrelenting environment tortures the vines whose twisted limbs produce wine worthy of absolution. These wines are sinfully succulent and devilishly good.

Duck Hunter Pinot Noir 750ml

Aromatics of ripe cherry and hints of oak. Medium bodied with smooth powdery tannins. Lingering savoury finish.

Fickle Mistress Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Pinot Noir; notoriously difficult to cultivate, but with luck, love & perfect conditions, she will reward you with the performance of a life time - a minx & a devil in disguise, a Fickle Mistress. Central Otago's cool climate consistently produces exceptional red fruit flavours of cherry, raspberry and redcurrant, but with concentration and length to match. This wine is layered with black and red berry fruits, complemented by blossoming aromas of dark plum.

Gibbston Valley Gold River Pinot Noir 750ml

Timeless techniques are used to make Gibbston Valley Gold River Wines. Hand-picked fruit is gently crafted into premium Central Otago Pinot Noir that offer immediate drinking pleasure. Batch fermented in small open-top tanks, it spends 6-9 months in 100% French Oak, the Gold River Pinot Noir offers exceptional quality and regionality at a good price.

Haha Marlborough Pinot Noir 750ml

Elegant, juicy and vibrant best sums up this Pinot Noir. Beautifully aromatic and silky smooth, this Pinot is perfectly matched with tender new season lamb chops on the BBQ.

Hardys Varietal Range Pinot Noir 1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Pinot Noir shows intense colour, sweet juicy red fruits with very fine soft tannins and a good length. A perfect accompaniment with mushroom risotto or seared tuna steaks.

Huntaway Reserve Pinot Noir 750ml

Huntaway Reserve captures the natural flavours from each of New Zealand's distinct wine growing regions and crafts them to match the finest local produce.
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